Modern Christians have replaced true theology with cereal box rhetoric. One example of this is when many of them categorize all of human interaction into four separate types of “government“: Self government, family government, church government, and human civil government.

“Self government” is proposed to be a concrete form of government, rather than an idiomatic tautology. Under scrutiny, however, it is basically a description of growing up and maturation and choosing to do good things and make responsible decisions. “Self government”, therefore, is merely a euphemism for self-control through personal wisdom and life experience.

Makes sense.

“Family government” is also posited as a distinct form of civil authority, but under closer inspection, the phrase is also just a tautology. Parents have equitable rights over their children because they are a fruit of the corporate one-flesh of matrimony, which practices coverture over those in its possession and graciously let those children use their property and possessions while endeavoring to raise them to make good decisions and be good stewards (and practice “self government”) over their lives and property. “Family government,” therefore, is just the nature of life, property, and stewardship.

Makes sense.

Church government” is proposed to be a religious body of men (of your arbitrary choosing) who take turns reading some Scripture to you and sing some songs with you and take your money and maybe kick you out of their club if you get voted off of their islands for legitimate or illegitimate reasons. They earn this ability through a formal education in Seminaries, which give them a superstitious authority over a portion of your life, but only if you are convinced that any of this ritualism has any imaginary meaning for your life. This is said to be something that God established.

Makes no sense.

Human civil government” is established as a body of men who punish you for speeding, send your children off to war, require all of your equity to even function and replace it with fiat currency, and then give you fiat welfare by muscling your neighbor out of their equity. This is said to be something that God established.

Makes nonsense.

Realizing that the examples of tautology are not actually governments, but organic displays of common sense, there is only one kind of government in a free and righteous society condoned by God. The church is a body of men who serve the families (which are the State, possessing all of the equity of society, and not themselves governments), and the church redistributes the free will offerings of equity to those who have need, without exercising authority (civil or ecclesial) over society. The government also networks the families together in love and service like a called-out, separated example of Christ’s servant-leadership.

All of this lofty talk about differing but compatible areas of government are hardly extrapolated from Scripture and it is diametrically opposed to the Gospel. They are philosophically meaningless and are not the product of deep study. They are what fills the vacuum of the minds of men when they do not actually understand the basic fundamental teachings of Scripture. In other words, these excuses for theology become popular when mankind desires to nominally cling to the things of God after God has already given them up to a debased mind, compelling them to twist Scriptural doctrine or make up justifications for the world around them.


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