The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is that God instituted one while men, in rebellion to God, form the other through sloth, through covetousness, through contracts, compacts, covenants, and constitutions, or through some combination of the lot.

The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is not based on the appearance of civil government mimicking some cursory reading of the Laws of God. The difference is not based on fulfilling some reconstructionist or theonomic agenda to invade the power centers in some cycle of abuse no different than the plot to George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm.

The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is whether or not it has Benefactors who exercise authority, Fathers of the Earth, false gods (judges, rulers and magistrates); or whether it has benefactors who do not exercise authority but become bondservants in redistributing the freewill offerings of the people who have real equity and allodium rather than legal titles found in human civil government. Commonly known as pastors, shepherds, and ministers.

The Government of God

The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is that God institutes one for men who want to be free souls under God, not slothful or covetous, but diligent and charitable in a New Testament networked adhocracy.

The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is that God allows one as a punishment for the evil doer who refuses to keep God’s commands and instead sells his brother into corvee bondage for benefits and bureaucracy transacted for the reciprocal justice of, as the Apostle Paul puts it, taxation.

The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is simply the details surrounding its apt, harmonious arrangement, constitution, order, or structure. One is a bottom-up endeavor that returns every man to his family and property, liberating man from the dominion of man, while one is top-down in its ecclesiology, making merchandise of men in a collective surety for debt, complete with fiat currency in national economies.

The difference between Godly civil government and human civil government is that one is on the narrow road that leads to life, liberty, and the pursuit of private property through obeying the Gospel of God in pure religion, while one is on the broad path that leads to destruction, economic collapse, and damnation through obeying the Gospel of Caesar in cannibalistic public religion.

Seek first the Kingdom of Godly civil government.


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